6.8/10IMDb69%Rotten Tomatoes1.5/4Roger Ebert
A reclusive young woman who dreams of becoming a children’s author finds an unlikely mentor in the rich curmudgeon who lives next door.
Initial release:Â 20 October 2016 (Slovenia)
Music director:Â Anne Nikitin
Producers: Monika Bacardi, Andrea Iervolino, Christine Alderson, Kami Naghdi
Critic reviews
“Fantastic” tells the story of Bella Brown (Jessica Brown Findlay of “Downton Abbey”), an aspiring children’s book author and reluctant librarian who lives next door to a curmudgeonly retiredÂ
With spring imminent, backyard putterers are turning their thoughts to the garden, which makes “This Beautiful Fantastic,” a charming tale about one, all that much sweeter. Full review
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“Fantastic” tells the story of Bella Brown (Jessica Brown Findlay of “Downton Abbey”), an aspiring children’s book author and reluctant librarian who lives next door to a curmudgeonly retired widower.Full reviewMichael O’SullivanWashington Post
With spring imminent, backyard putterers are turning their thoughts to the garden, which makes “This Beautiful Fantastic,” a charming tale about one, all that much sweeter. Full reviewNeil GenzlingerThe NYTimes
This twee English comedy feels like a fairy tale written by Lemony Snicket, with acid tinges around a sweet, if inconsequential, middle.Full review
Barbara Shulgasser-ParkerCommon Sense Media“Downton Abbey” fan favorite Jessica Brown Findlay (Lady Sybil!) is back on the screen, and in a very different kind of period piece. The British actress stars as a delightfully unexpected heroine in Simon Aboud’s upcoming feature, “This Beautiful Fantastic,” one that smacks of “Amelie” and “Populaire” in equal parts.